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Inglourious Basterds (2009)

Release Inglourious Basterds in HD Video

Now you can watch full Inglourious Basterds in best video format with duration 153 Min and was released on 2009-08-21 with MPAA rating is 2118.

  • Original Title : Inglourious Basterds
  • Movie title in your country : Inglourious Basterds
  • Year of movie : 2009
  • Genres of movie : Drama, Action, Thriller, War,
  • Status of movie : Released
  • Release date of movie : 2009-08-21
  • Companies of movie : Universal Pictures, A Band Apart, Zehnte Babelsberg, Visiona Romantica,
  • Countries of movie : Germany, United States of America,
  • Language of movie : Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano,
  • Durationof movie : 153 Min
  • Average vote of movie : 7.5
  • Youtube ID of movie : -2cRY4p7KIk
  • Translation of movie : EN,DE,ES,SV,RU,IT,FR,FI,HU,NL,ZH,TR,PT,DA,CS,PL,SK,EL,BG,HE,JA,CA,RO,FA,
  • Cast of movie :Brad Pitt (LT. Aldo Raine), Mélanie Laurent (Shosanna), Christoph Waltz (COL. Hans Landa), Eli Roth (SGT. Donny Donowitz), Michael Fassbender (LT. Archie Hicox), Diane Kruger (Bridget von Hammersmark), Daniel Brühl (Fredrick Zoller), Til Schweiger (SGT. Hugo Stiglitz), Gedeon Burkhard (CPL. Wilhelm Wicki), Jacky Ido (Marcel), B. J. Novak (PFC. Smithson Utivich), Omar Doom (PFC. Omar Ulmer), August Diehl (Major Hellstrom), Denis Ménochet (Perrier LaPadite), Sylvester Groth (Joseph Goebbels), Martin Wuttke (Hitler), Mike Myers (General Ed Fenech), Julie Dreyfus (Francesca Mondino), Richard Sammel (SGT. Rachtman), Alexander Fehling (Master SGT. Wilhelm / Pola Negri), Rod Taylor (Winston Churchill), Soenke Möhring (PVT. Butz / Walter Frazer), Samm Levine (PFC. Hirschberg), Paul Rust (Andy Kagan), Michael Bacall (PFC. Michael Zimmerman), Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey (German Soldier / Winnetou), Petra Hartung (German Female Soldier / Beethoven), Volker Michalowski (German Soldier / Edgar Wallace (as Zack Volker Michalowski)), Ken Duken (German Soldier / Mata Hari), Christian Berkel (Proprietor Eric), Anne-Sophie Franck (Mathilda), Léa Seydoux (Charlotte LaPadite), Tina Rodriguez (Julie LaPadite), Lena Friedrich (Suzanne LaPadite), Ludger Pistor (CPT. Wolfgang), Jana Pallaske (Babette), Wolfgang Lindner (Herrman #1), Michael Kranz (Herrman #3), Rainer Bock (General Schonherr), André Penvern (Old French Veterinarian), Sebastian Hülk (Hellstrom's Driver / Nazi Usher #1), Buddy Joe Hooker (Gaspar), Carlos Fidel (PFC. Simon Sakowitz), Christian Brückner (Kliest Voice), Hilmar Eichhorn (Emil Jannings), Patrick Elias (Jakob Dreyfus), Eva Löbau (Miriam Dreyfus), Salvadore Brandt (Bob Dreyfus), Jasper Linnewedel (Amos Dreyfus), Wilfried Hochholdinger (German Company SGT.), Olivier Girard (Maxim's Waiter), Michael Scheel (General Frank), Leo Plank (Motorcycle Rider #1), Andreas Tietz (Motorcycle Rider #2), Bo Svenson (American Colonel), Enzo G. Castellari (Himself), Samuel L. Jackson (Narrator (uncredited / voice))
Once upon a time in Nazi occupied France...


Movie plot of Inglourious Basterds :

Watch full Inglourious Basterds in Best Quality with movie summary "In Nazi-occupied France during World War II, a group of Jewish-American soldiers known as "The Basterds" are chosen specifically to spread fear throughout the Third Reich by scalping and brutally killing Nazis. The Basterds, lead by Lt. Aldo Raine soon cross paths with a French-Jewish teenage girl who runs a movie theater in Paris which is targeted by the soldiers." in best look. Play full Inglourious Basterds in Best Quality by push of the download link.

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Casting : Simone Bär, Casting : Olivier Carbone, Casting : Jenny Jue, Casting : Johanna Ray, Costume Design : Anna B. Sheppard, Costume Design : Giorgio Armani, Director : Quentin Tarantino, Producer : Lawrence Bender, Editor : Sally Menke, Writer : Quentin Tarantino, Director of Photography : Robert Richardson, Production Design : David Wasco, Executive Producer : Lloyd Phillips, Executive Producer : Erica Steinberg, Executive Producer : Bob Weinstein, Executive Producer : Harvey Weinstein

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Tags: paris, guerilla, cinema, self sacrifice, dynamite, mexican standoff, jew persecution, jew, nazis, masochism, sadism, scalp, shot in leg, winston churchill, shot in the chest, knife in hand, stabbed to death, anti semitism, gore, swastika, blood bath,
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Inglourious Basterds (2009) 910109.
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