Watch Full Reservoir Dogs in HD Video
Now you can play full Reservoir Dogs in HD quality with duration 99 Min and was released on 1992-06-25 with MPAA rating is 886.- Original Title : Reservoir Dogs
- Movie title in your country : Reservoir Dogs
- Year of movie : 1992
- Genres of movie : Crime, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1992-06-25
- Companies of movie : Live Entertainment, Dog Eat Dog Productions Inc.,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 99 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.7
- Youtube ID of movie : bRgsz4bSAWo
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,FR,IT,PT,RU,TR,ZH,ES,SV,HU,FI,NL,PL,CS,DA,EL,HE,JA,BG,
- Cast of movie :Harvey Keitel (Mr. White/Larry Dimmick), Tim Roth (Mr. Orange/Freddy Newandyke), Michael Madsen (Mr. Blonde/Vic Vega), Chris Penn (Nice Guy Eddie Cabot), Steve Buscemi (Mr. Pink), Lawrence Tierney (Joe Cabot), Edward Bunker (Mr. Blue), Quentin Tarantino (Mr. Brown), Randy Brooks (Detective Holdaway), Kirk Baltz (Officer Marvin Nash), Steven Wright (K-Billy DJ (voice)), Rich Turner (Sheriff #1), David Steen (Sheriff #2), Tony Cosmo (Sheriff #3), Stevo Polyi (Sheriff #4)
Movie plot of Reservoir Dogs :
Watch full Reservoir Dogs in High Definition Format with movie plot "A botched robbery indicates a police informant, and the pressure mounts in the aftermath at a warehouse. Crime begets violence as the survivors -- veteran Mr. White, newcomer Mr. Orange, psychopathic parolee Mr. Blonde, bickering weasel Mr. Pink and Nice Guy Eddie -- unravel." in HD video. Download full Reservoir Dogs in High Definition Format by clicking the download link.
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Director : Quentin Tarantino, Producer : Lawrence Bender, Director of Photography : Andrzej Sekula, Editor : Sally Menke, Casting : Ronnie Yeskel, Production Design : David Wasco, Original Music Composer : Karyn Rachtman, Writer : Quentin Tarantino, Executive Producer : Richard N. Gladstein, Executive Producer : Monte Hellman, Executive Producer : Ronna B. Wallace, Set Decoration : Sandy Reynolds-Wasco, Costume Design : Betsy Heimann, Production Manager : Paul Hellerman, Special Effects : Stephen DeLollis, Special Effects : Rick Yale, Special Effects Coordinator : Larry Fioritto, Co-Producer : Harvey Keitel
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